Two of my best friends are pregnant - very pregnant. It's been pretty amazing to watch them over the past several months. Although both are pretty close in their delivery dates, their experiences have been very different. My first friend is expecting her first child. She married her high school sweetheart and once she turned 30 she said she'd be ready to start a family. Although she didn't want to know the sex of her child, her husband did. After only a few weeks, while he was out of town, he told his cousin the sex. While my friend talked to the cousin via phone, she said "He's going to be a great baby. I mean 'it'!" Once she found out the sex, she was excited to see the penis ultrasound. Unfortunately, her husband hid it in a spot so she wouldn't find it. It was hidden so good that he forgot where it was. It was in one of his 200 CD cases, he just didn't remember which one!
Being a local news anchor, she's had to struggle with buying more maternity clothes than the average person. As she continued to grow and expand on camera, she must continue to smile and show her glow. I traveled with this friend to Viriginia over the Christmas holidays to spend time with her family. She had not yet told this side of her family that she was pregnant, seven months pregnant! They all walked in wide eyed. While all were happy at the news, they were somewhat upset that she didn't tell them and surprised that she kept a secret for so long. Once we returned home, she developed a craving for oranges, her feet started swelling and she took down the 'man room' in order to set up a nursery. She and her husband are both big UNC fans so they already have a Carolina outfit to bring their son home.
My other friend is expecting her second son. She married her college sweetheart and this pregnancy has not been a pretty ride. Although she is not due until the beginning of April, she was put in the hospital on bed rest starting December 11. She unfortunately had to celebrate her son's 3rd birthday, Christmas and New Year's Eve in the hospital. There is nothing worse that eating hospital food over the holidays while looking at the bare white walls for hours upon end. Since she has a lot of time to do absolutely nothing, she became fixed on the horoscope of her future son. Since she'll probably deliver early, there is a great chance that he will be a Pisces instead of an Aries. Everyone else in her family is an air sign and she doesn't know how a water sign could co-exist. I asked her if there was anything good about being pregnant and she said, "It sucks." I asked her husband the same thing and he agreed.
I've never been pregnant so I can't say I can relate to anything they are going through. My stomach has never expanded outside of being bloated. I've never developed a waddle. It's impossible for me to imagine a child developing inside. But I did see the light! While sitting in the hospital room of my bed ridden friend, I saw her look over at her young son. I could see the love in her eyes and the admiration in her heart. So, while being knocked up may be hell-in-a-handbasket, it's about the promise of the future and the creation of their love and partnership. Get ready world, two fine young gentlemen are getting ready to take the world by storm!
1 comment:
Watching the birth of the child can be really exciting. I remember watching my son being born, it was crazy and amazing. I noticed the pain that his poor mother was in, which seemed unbearable. I am not sure how you women do it. On top of that, she could only eat ice chips for 24 hours!
On top of that, seeing he vagina stretched out to biblical size was not fun for me. I never thought I would be able to have sex with her again!
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