Monday, October 19, 2009

Major Protests Planned in Heather Ellis Walmart Case – Student Faces 15 Years in Prison for Cutting Line

from Your Black World,

Kennett, MO. – Heather Ellis, a young college student out of Kennett, MO is now facing 15 years in prison if she is sentenced after being accused of cutting line at a local Walmart. Her case has gotten the attention of the nation, and has been the subject of extensive online protests.

Heather was in a Walmart store 3 years ago with her cousin. The two split up to find the shortest line. Since her cousin was in the shorter line, Heather joined him. That’s when the clerk accused Heather of cutting in front of the other customers. An argument ensued, leading to the manager and security guard being called, and finally the police.

The incident left Ellis, an honor student on her way to medical school, charged with disturbing the peace, trespassing and two counts of assaulting a police officer. After Heather refused to sign a plea agreement, Stephen Sokoloff, the town’s prosecutor, filed felony charges against Heather.


Click to read.


Anonymous said...

White people, can't live with them, can't shoot them.

Anonymous said...

that's a lil racist

Unknown said...

I read that the location of the Walmart was close to the birth place of Rush Limbaugh; and then I see this comment, "white people, can't live with them....". It is not white people that is the problem. It is "us" as people. We are stubborn, hard and ignorant in our ways, ignoring God's laws and his commandments.

YES...HEATHER was badly, poorly treated. NO. she does not deserve the charges nor the possible sentence.Could it have been handled better by the clerk, Walmart, etc...YES!! But this is not an indictment of the whole white race. It is an indictment against ignorant people and a store which should have handled it much better.

Anonymous said...

What happened to courtesy, and the customer is always right??? This little girl is being played...big time, right when Walmart employees are trying to get a Union together! This takes their focus off of that!!! Walmarts want to keep certain people in lowly positions and not excel in their careers. Thats why they don't elevate woman and minorities to higher paid positions!!!!!!!!!